
TG4001 40MHZ 任意波形信號(hào)發(fā)生器


英國TTi TG4001 40MHZ DDS信號(hào)發(fā)生器



2022-09-09 09:36:19




    英國TTi TG4001 40MHZ DDS信號(hào)發(fā)生器

    英國TTi TG4001 40MHZ DDS信號(hào)發(fā)生器


    TG4001 - 40MHz DDS Function Generator with Arbitrary

    ??40MHz D.D.S. function?generator?with arbitrary?capability
    ??0.1mHz to?40MHz?(50MHz square)?range?10?digit resolution.
    ??Direct Digital Synthesis: stability?resolution sine purity
    ??Eight standard waveforms plus "complex" waveforms
    ??? true arbitrary waveforms and noise.
    ??Arbitrary waveforms at up to 100MS/s
    ??Powerful modulation modes including Sweep AM Gating
    ??? Trigger/Burst FSK and Hop.
    ??Variable symmetry variable start/stop phase.
    ??Programmable via RS-232?and USB?interfaces.
    ??Optional GPIB?interface.

    More Information:??Data Sheet???


    40MHz sinewaves from a low cost DDS generator
    The TG4001 provides high purity sine waves at up to 40MHz and square waves at up to 50MHz. No other DDS generator offers this performance at this price.
    The output amplifier has a bandwidth approaching 100MHz ensuring that waveform quality is excellent right up to the frequency limits.
    Amplitude flatness is better than ?0.2dB to 1MHz and ?0.4db to 40MHz.
    Low noise design ensures minimum waveform aberrations and provides high waveform quality even at minimum output amplitude.

    High speed arbitrary waveforms
    In addition to it&s eleven &standard& waveforms the TG4001can generate arbitrary waveforms of any length between 8 and 65536 points at speeds of up to 100MS/s.
    Up to four arbitrary waveforms can be stored within the instrument.
    Waveform Manager Plus?software for Windows is supplied for waveform creation and editing on a PC. Waveforms are downloaded to the generator using RS232 USB or GPIB.

    Pulse train generation
    As well as standard and arbitrary waveforms The TG4001 can generate pulse trains.
    A pattern of up to 10 pulses can be quickly defined with each pulse having its own amplitude width and delay. The whole pulse train pattern can then be replayed at a user defined repetition rate.

    RS-232 USB or GPIB interfaces
    The TG4001 includes both an RS-232 interface and USB interface as standard.?
    These interfaces can be used for remote control of all of the instrument functions and for storing instrument set-ups as well as downloading arbitrary waveforms.
    A GPIB (IEEE-488) interface is also available as a retro-fittable option.

    Wide range sweep
    All waveforms can be swept over their full frequency range at a rate variable between 1 millisecond and 15 minutes.?
    Sweep can be linear or logarithmic single or continuous. Single sweeps can be triggered from the front panel the trigger input or the digital interfaces.?
    A sweep marker is provided that is adjustable whilst sweep is running. The markers can provide a visual indication of frequency points on a ?scope or chart recorder.

    Amplitude modulation and signal summing
    Amplitude modulation (VCA) and suppressed carrier modulation (SCM) are available for all waveforms using the rear panel modulation input.
    A separate signal summing input is also provided allowing waveforms from another signal source to be amplified and summed with the main output.
    ? Triggered & gated modes built-in trigger generator
    All waveforms are available as a triggered burst whereby each trigger edge will produce one burst of the carrier. Start and stop phase is fully variable.
    Both Triggered and Gated modes can be operated from the internal trigger generator from an adjacent channel an external source or a key press or remote bus command.
    The trigger generator is variable between 0.005 Hz and 100kHz and the signal is available as a separate output if required.

    Tone switching & FSK
    The TG4001 can provide triggered switching between up to 16 frequencies of standard or arbitrary waveforms.
    Tone switching modes can be gated triggered or FSK using any trigger source.
    Frequency Shift Keying provides phase coherent switching between two selected frequencies at a rate defined by the switching signal source.
    In tone switching mode the generator is set to switch between a number of different frequencies in response to a trigger signal.

    Quick recall of settings
    The TG4001 provides nine memories for storing settings (plus one memory for automatically storing the settings at switch off).
    Because all parameters are controlled electronically the memories store the complete set-up of the instrument.

    Ease of use
    The TG4001 is particularly easy to use. All of the main information is clearly displayed on a backlit LCD with 4 rows of 20 characters. Sub menus are used for the modulation modes and other complex functions.
    All parameters can be entered directly from the numeric keypad. Alternatively most parameters can be incremented or decremented using the rotary encoder for quasi-analogue control.

    ??Frequency or period entry
    The generator frequency can be set in terms of either frequency or period.
    Numeric entry can be floating point using whatever units the operator prefers or can be done in exponent format.

    ??Flexible amplitude entry
    Amplitudes can be entered in terms of peak to peak voltage RMS voltage or dBm.
    The output amplitude can be set in terms of either the voltage into a 50Ohm?or 600Ohm?termination or in terms of the source EMF (for a high impedance load).
    ? ? ?


    Standard Waveforms:?Sine square triangle DC positive ramp negative ramp sin(x)/x pulse pulse train cosine haversine and havercosine.
    Frequency Accuracy: Better than 10 ppm for 1 year.
    Temperature Stability: Typically <1 ppm/ oC
    Sine Cosine Haversine Havercosine
    Range (Resolution): 0.1 mHz to 40 MHz. (0.1mHz or 10 digits)
    Harmonic Distortion: <0.15% THD to 100kHz; <-60dBc to 20kHz <-50dBc to 1MHz <-40dBc to 10MHz <-30dBc to 40MHz.
    Non-harmonic Spurii: <-60dBc to 1MHz + 6dB/octave 1MHz to 40MHz.
    Range (Resolution): 1 mHz to 50 MHz. (1mHz or 7 digits)
    Rise and Fall Times: <8ns
    Range (Resolution): 0.1 mHz to 500 kHz. (0.1mHz or 7 digits)
    Linearity Error: <0.1% to 30 kHz
    Ramps and Sin(x)/x
    Range (Resolution): 0.1 mHz to 100 kHz. (0.1mHz or 10 digits)
    Linearity Error: <0.1% to 30 kHz (ramps)
    Pulse and Pulse Train
    Rise and Fall Times: <8ns
    Period: Range 40ns to 100s. Resolution 7 digits or 10ns.
    Delay and Width: Range -99.9s to + 99.99s. Resolution 0.001% period or 10ns.
    Trains of up to 10 pulses may be specified each having independently defined width delay and level. The baseline voltage is separately defined and the sequence repetition rate is set by the pulse train period.

    Up to 4 user defined waveforms may be stored. Arbitrary waveforms can be defined by downloading of waveform data via RS232 or USB (or GPIB if fitted)
    Waveform Size: 65536 (64K) points maximum 8 points minimum.
    Vertical Resolution: 12 bits
    Sample Clock Range: 100mHz to 100MHz. Resolution 7 digits or 0.1 mHz
    Output Filter: Selectable between 40MHz Elliptic 20MHz Bessel or none.
    Noise Function: Digital noise generated by a 35-bit linear feedback register clocked at 100MHz. User?s external filter defines bandwidth and response.

    Waveform Manager Plus software for Windows is supplied.
    Full details of its capabilities are on our website or within the Waveform Manager Plus brochure.


    Capability provided for both standard and arbitrary waveforms. Arbitrary waveforms are expanded or condensed to exactly 4096 points and DDS techniques are used to perform the sweep.
    Carrier Waveforms: All standard and arbitrary except pulse and pulse train.
    Sweep Mode: Linear or logarithmic continuous or triggered.
    Sweep Direction: Up down up/down or down/up.
    Sweep Range: 1mHz to 40 MHz in one range. Phase continuous. Independent setting of start/stop.
    Sweep Time: 1ms to 999s (3 digit resolution).
    Marker: Variable during sweep.
    Sweep Trig. Source: The sweep may be free run or triggered from the following sources: Manually from keyboard. Externally from TRIG IN input or remote interface.
    Triggered Burst
    Each active edge of the trigger signal will produce one burst of the waveform.
    Carrier Waveforms: All standard and arbitrary.
    Max.Carrier Freq.: The smaller of 2.5MHz or the maximum for the selected waveform. 100Msamples/s for ARB.
    Number of Cycles: 1 to 1048575
    Trigger Repitition Rate: 0.005Hz to 100kHz internal dc to 1MHz external.
    Trigger Source: Internal from keyboard or trigger generator. External from TRIG IN or remote interface.
    Start/Stop Phase: ? 360? settable with 0.1? resolution subject to waveform frequency and type.
    Waveform will run while the Gate signal is true and stop while false.
    Carrier Waveforms: All standard and arbitrary.
    Max.Carrier Freqy.: The smaller of 2.5MHz or the maximum for the selected waveform. 100Msamples/s for ARB.
    Trigger Rate: 0.005Hz to 100kHz internal dc to 1MHz external.
    Gate Signal Source: Internal from keyboard or trigger generator. External from TRIG IN or remote interface.
    Start/Stop Phase: ? 360? settable with 0.1? resolution subject to waveform frequency and type.
    Tone Switching
    Carrier Waveforms: All waveforms except pulse and pulse train.
    Frequency List: Up to 16 frequencies from 1mHz to 40MHz.
    Trigger Repitition Rate: 0.005Hz to 100kHz internal dc to 1MHz external. Usable repetition rate and waveform frequency depend on the tone switching mode.
    Source: Internal from keyboard or trigger generator. External from TRIG IN or remote interface.
    Tone Switching Modes:?
    Gated: The tone is output while the trigger signal is true and stopped at the end of the current waveform cycle while the trigger signal is false. The next tone is output when the trigger signal is true again.
    Triggered: The tone is output when the trigger signal goes true and the next tone is output at the end of the current waveform cycle when the trigger signal goes true again.
    FSK: The tone is output when the trigger signal goes true and the next tone is output immediately when the trigger signal goes true again.
    Using 2 instruments with their outputs summed together it is possible to generate DTMF test signals.
    Trigger Generator
    Internal source 0.005 Hz to 100kHz squarewave adjustable in 10us steps. 3 digit resolution. Available for external use from the SYNC OUT socket.
    Full remote control and waveform download facilities are available through the RS-232 and USB interfaces. GPIB is available as an option.
    RS-232: Variable Baud rate 9600 Baud maximum. 9-pin D-connector. (Also compatible with TTi ARC system)
    USB: Conforming with USB 1.1
    GPIB (Optional): Conforming with IEEE488.1 and IEEE488.2

    Main Output
    Output Impedance: 50 Ohms
    Amplitude: 5mV to 20V pk-pk open circuit (2.5mV to 10V pk-pk into 50
    ?Ohms). Amplitude can be specified open circuit (Hi Z) or into an assumed load of 50?Ohms or 600?Ohms in Vpk-pk Vrms or dBm.
    Amplitude Accuracy: Better than 2% ?1mV at 1kHz into 50Ohms.
    Amplitude Flatness: ?0.2dB to 1MHz; ?0.4dB to 40MHz.
    DC Offset Range: ?10V. DC offset plus signal peak limited to ?10V from 50?Ohms.
    DC Offset Accuracy: Typically within ?3% ?10mV unattenuated.
    Resolution: 3 digits or 1mV for both Amplitude and DC Offset.
    Sync Out
    Multifunction output user definable or automatically selected to be any of the following:
    Waveform Sync: (all waveforms) A square wave with 50% duty cycle at the main waveform frequency or a pulse coincident with the first few points of an arbitrary waveform.
    Burst Done: Produces a pulse coincident with the last cycle of a burst.
    Trigger: Selects the current trigger signal. Useful for synchronising burst or gated signals.
    Sweep Sync: Outputs a pulse at the start of sweep to synchronise an oscilloscope or recorder.
    Sweep Marker: Additional output pulse for use as a marker in sweep mode. Can be used to modulate the Z-axis of an oscilloscope or be displayed on a second &scope channel.
    Phase Lock Out: Used to phase lock two or more generators. Produces a positive edge at the 0o phase point.
    Output Signal Level: Logic levels of <0.8V & >3V except for Sweep Sync. Sweep Sync is a 3-level waveform: low at start of sweep high for the duration of the last frequency step at end of sweep with a narrow 1V pulse at the marker point.

    Trig In
    Frequency Range: DC - 1MHz.
    Signal Range: Threshold nominally TTL level; max. input ?10V.
    Min. Pulse Width: 50ns for Trigger and Gate modes; 50?s for Sweep mode; 20ms for Tone mode.
    Input Impedance: 10kOhms
    Modulation In
    Frequency Range: DC - 500kHz.
    Signal Range: VCA: - approximately 1V pk-pk for level change at maximum output. SCM: - approximately ? 1Vpk for max. output.
    Input Impedance: Typically 1kOhms
    Sum In
    Frequency Range: DC - 30MHz.
    Signal Range: Approximately 2Vpk-pk input for 20Vpk-pk output.
    Input Impedance: Typically 1kOhms.
    Ref Clock In/Out
    Set to Input: Input for an external 10MHz reference clock. TTL/CMOS threshold level.
    Set to Output: Buffered version of the internal 10MHz clock. Output levels nominally 1V and 4V from 50W.
    Set to Phase Lock: Used together with SYNC OUT on a master and the TRIG IN on a slave to synchronise (phase lock) multiple instruments.

    Display: 20 character x 4 row alphanumeric LCD.
    Data Entry: Keyboard selection of mode waveform etc.; value entry by numeric keys or by rotary control.
    Stored Settings: Up to 9 complete instrument set-ups may be stored and recalled.
    Size: 3U (130mm) height; half-rack (212mm) width; 335mm deep.
    Weight: 4.1kg. (9lb.)
    Power: 230V 115V or 100V nominal 50/60Hz adjustable internally; operating range ?14% of nominal; 60VA max. Installation Category II.
    Operating Range: +5oC to 40oC 20-80% RH.
    Storage Range: -20oC to + 60oC.
    Environmental: Indoor use at altitudes to 2km Pollution Degree 1.
    Safety: Complies with EN61010-1.
    EMC: Complies with EN61326.

    AC Line Cable
    User Manual: Printed Manual plus PDF multi-language manual on CD.
    Waveform Software: Waveform Manager Plus for Windows on CD.
    Driver Software: Drivers for LabWindows CVI and Labview on CD.

    Rack Mount: 19 inch rack mounting kit for one or two units.
    GPIB Interface: Retro-fit interface board conforming to IEEE-488.2





    DAB+ 數(shù)字廣播信號(hào)發(fā)生器
    DAB+ 數(shù)字廣播信號(hào)發(fā)

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