The ETS-Lindgren HI-4413 Fiber Optic RS-232 Interface and ProbeView 3600 software provide extensive data gathering and display options for use with the HI-3603 VLF Survey Meter or HI-3604 ELF Survey Meter. ProbeView 3600 provides real-time display logging and analysis of probe data. It displays a variety of test information both numerically and graphically.
The ETS-Lindgren HI-4413 Fiber Optic RS-232 Interface and ProbeView 3600 software provide extensive data gathering and display options for use with the HI-3603 VLF Survey Meter or HI-3604 ELF Survey Meter. ProbeView 3600 provides real-time display logging and analysis of probe data. It displays a variety of test information both numerically and graphically.
HI4413P由計算機供電,使用它,可以方便的在現(xiàn)場用計算機收集和處理數據。 利用PROBEVIEW軟件分析數據。。 美國HOLADAY HI4413 供應RS232串口通訊連接器