
Agilent 5316B|HP5316B|HP-5316B 通用頻率...


Agilent 5316B|HP5316B|HP-5316B 通用頻率計 100MHz


廣東省 東莞市

2024-01-13 14:58:10


    Agilent 5316B|HP5316B|HP-5316B 通用頻率計100MHz

    本公司是一家集儀器、儀表研發(fā)、生產、代理于一體的高科技企業(yè)。公司除電子儀器銷售外,還有環(huán)境試驗設備,分析儀器,質檢儀器,計量儀器的銷售及服務?,F將部分產品價紹下,如有需求,歡迎來電來函查詢。  1、電源線廠儀器和設備:  二芯、三芯電線導通絕緣測試儀、線材測試儀,電腦排線測試儀、耐壓測試儀、高壓露銅測試儀、插頭線綜合測試儀、插頭極性測試儀、微電阻測試儀(毫歐表)、全自動色差計、搖擺試驗機、插頭電源線降壓數字測試、表機溫升測試儀等。  2、環(huán)境試驗設備:  振動試驗臺、跌落試驗臺、高低溫恒溫恒濕、調溫調濕箱,、電熱干燥箱、熱老化試驗箱、鹽霧試驗箱、沖擊試驗機、微電腦拉力試驗機、靜態(tài)拉力試驗機、電線延伸率試驗機、搖擺試驗機、拉力試驗臺、燃燒試驗箱、灼熱絲試驗裝置、漏電痕試驗儀、恒溫油槽、低溫儲存箱、超聲波清洗機、波鋒焊、粉碎機、標準光源箱/破裂強度試驗機等。  3、基... 詳細

    聯系電話:或 陳生/余小姐




       *  Frequency Range: 0.1Hz to 100MHz 
       *  Sensitivity: 10 mV 
       *  Exceptional resolution at both low and high frequencies 
       *  Three time-interval modes solve more problems 
       *  Flexible signal conditioning optimized for both frequency and time-interval measurements 
       *  Selectable gate time from 60 ms to 10 s 
       *  100 MHz A and B input channels Optional 1 GHz C channel 
       *  Full frequency range (to 100 MHz) on both input channels 
       *  Proven reliability and excellent RFI protection 
       *  Exceptional Resolution 
       *  Below 10 MHz the counter measures the input signal period then computes and displays the reciprocal frequency with 7 digits of resolution in one second for signals as low as 0.1 Hz. Above 10 MHz the counter automatically performs as a conventional counter. 
       *  Three Modes 
       *  The HP 5316B offers 100 ns single-shot time-interval resolution. Time-interval averaging boosts performance to 10 ps resolution. A time-interval delay ignores spurious signals that would normally cause the counter to trigger. 
       *  Flexible Conditioning 
       *  Choose ac or dc coupling a sensitivity control (variable attenuator) and a switchable low-pass filter. Both channels have trigger level controls with easy setting.

    Other Info:
    The Agilent HP 5316B Universal Counter offers outstanding performance.

    A unique custom circuit called the MRC (Multiple Register Counter) packs counting and computing power into this popular counter.

    The Agilent 5316B is a low-cost high-performance universal counter offering frequency period time interval ratio and totalize measurements. Unique counting circuitry delivers the best of both reciprocal and conventional frequency counting. Programmable functions include all measurement modes plus trigger level and trigger slope controls.

    The 5316B is encased in high-quality metal that meets strict standards for electromagnetic compatibility making it suited to applications such as low-level receiver or high-power transmitter testing. With standard HP-IB interfacing 5316B is suited for ATE system design or other environments where interference from other equipment is a concern.

    An optional 1-GHz C channel extends the frequency range for navigations and communications applications. A high-stability oven oscillator can also be added for higher accuracy in demanding environments.

    Option Description:
    003: Color Screen VGA - LCD




    吉時利KEITHLEY數字源表2400 2410 2420 2425 2430 2440 2401
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