
機械痛閾觸覺閾測量套裝Von Frey Hairs test纖毛機械...


機械痛閾觸覺閾測量套裝Von Frey Hairs test纖毛機


上海市 上海市

2024-05-17 14:48:36



    Von Frey機械痛閾、觸覺閾測量套裝Von Frey Hairs test(Von Frey filaments纖毛機械刺激針)適用于對小鼠、大鼠進行觸覺反應測量。 

    纖毛機械刺激針(Von Frey Hairs test)是主要由為數(shù)20的Von Frey Hairs 纖毛機械刺激針組成,觸覺測量纖維絲的力度為0.008克-300克,是一種經(jīng)典且無損傷的評估皮膚觸覺靈敏度機械痛閾、觸覺閾測量的工具。該Von Frey Hairs 纖毛機械刺激針同時可配套使用鑿孔金屬工作臺(34 x 14 英寸),該工作臺上布置了一張進行Von Frey Hairs 纖毛機械刺激針的網(wǎng)篩,觸覺測量網(wǎng)篩上的篩孔是由激光切割而成,孔的尺寸為5X5毫米,孔與孔間的間距大約是1毫米,這對于受試觸覺測量的動物來說一個舒服的環(huán)境,且有利于實驗人員觀察受試觸覺測試動物的爪。此外,網(wǎng)篩上涂有特殊的涂料,非常方便實驗人員清理實驗過程中產(chǎn)生的污垢。 

    Von Frey Hairs 纖毛機械刺激針主要用于評估皮膚的觸覺反應測試,是非常受歡迎的非侵入式實驗器材。Von Frey Hairs 纖毛機械刺激針可提供0.008g-300g的觸覺測試刺激力。Von Frey Hairs 纖毛機械刺激針的粗細及伸出長度決定提供觸覺測試刺激力的大小。實驗時,根據(jù)實際情況選定粗細當?shù)玫?span style="line-height: 24px; text-align: justify; ">Von Frey Hairs 纖毛機械刺激針,調節(jié)適當Von Frey Hairs 纖毛機械刺激針的伸出長度,垂直地刺激觸覺測試皮膚,可通過調節(jié)觸覺測量纖維絲的伸長、更換Von Frey Hairs 纖毛機械刺激針調整刺激力大小,直到Von Frey Hairs 纖毛機械刺激針彎曲。當嚙齒類動物得爪受到一個機械觸覺反應刺激,它們會縮回反射。該觸覺測試可應用于大、小鼠的足底觸覺反應狀況。


    另外,可選觸覺測量專配鑿的孔工作臺,其網(wǎng)篩孔是利用激光切沖而成的方形孔,尺寸為5×5mm2 ,觸覺測量孔間距約為1mm,這對受試動物而言是一個舒適的環(huán)境,也便于操作人員觀察動物的足底區(qū)域。該觸覺測量鑿孔臺經(jīng)涂層處理,便于清潔且不易被腐蝕。 


    Touch Test
    The Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments provide an approximate logarithmic scale of actual force and a linear scale of perceived intensity. They have a long history of effective use in clinical settings and can be used to diagnose pathologies of hyper- or hypo-aesthesia. Subsets within the set of 20 probes distinguish pathologies on different parts of the body (foot hand lip cheeketc.).
    Semmes-Weinstein Von Frey Aesthesiometer for touch assessment 
      Set of 20 monofilaments based on the Semmes-Weinstein monofilament set
      Features retractable filaments to protect the filament
      Allows the researcher to carry a few in a pocket
    The Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments provide an approximate logarithmic scale of actual force and a linear scale of perceived intensity. They have a long history of effective use in clinical settings and can be used to diagnose pathologies of hyper- or hypo-aesthesia. Subsets within the set of 20 probes distinguish pathologies on different parts of the body (foot hand lip cheeketc.).
    Operating Principle When the tip of a fiber of given length and diameter is pressed against the skin at right angles the force of application increases as long as the researcher continues to advance the probe until the fiber bends. After the fiber bends continued advance creates more bend but not more force of application. This makes it possible for the researcher using a hand-held probe to apply a reproducible force within a wide tolerance to the skin surface.
    Pre-Clinical Use Rodents exhibit a paw withdrawal reflex when the paw is unexpectedly touched. The Touch Test? Sensory Evaluator can be used on the Plantar surfaces of the foot of a rat or mouse. The animal indicates sensation by pulling back its paw. Individual filaments available.


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     Mail: yuyan0317@126.com




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